Jumat, 13 Mei 2022


Late post again. Event happened several years ago haha

These are photos taken from a recent lunch gathering that i attended. Along with me, there were my sister, Elby and Mani. We missed Nita and Ufi this time, one was busy in school, learning to be a beautician, the latter was busy babysitting the toddler of our beautician to be haha. Oh well, i hope they will turn up on our next gathering ;)

I kind of wondering why Mani insisted to proceed with the luncheon on that day, eventhough she knew that two ladies in our group wouldnt be able to make it. It turned out that that day was the first  anniversary of Mani's dad passing. May his soul rest in peace.

That was why she needed us that day. I am glad now that we laughed a lot in that aftenoon. Hopefully our presence lifted up her spirit, somehow.

Anyway, we went to Ananda Bhavan vegetarian restaurant at Tekka Market. The food was awesome! We had mini briyanni meal, a full briyanni meal, a garkic butter naan meal and mini poori meal.

So much food went into my tummy!
I felt like a gluttony (facepalm).
Promised myself to go easy with dinner
But the guilt linger
No regrets though

Post lunch, we ventured Tekka Market to buy some vegetables. Elby wanted to get kemangi leaves, our version of basil leaves. She shared half of the bunch with me, thank you elby. Oh...I ended up buying banana leaves for no apparent reason haha.

We then went to one of the stores selling sweet desserts. Bought some for Ibu at home. What a day to spend with good friends! Thank you ya semua...

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