Jumat, 21 April 2017

Sarang Burung update 1

Photo taken 20.04.17
Late post. The discovery occurred on 20. 04.16 #bulbul #birdnest

I was doing my daily morning ritual - watering the plants in our mini garden - when I discovered something wonderful. I was intrigued by an unusual bunch of branches and leaves on our japanese bamboo plant so I peered closer. That was when I discovered that a bird had constructed its nest there! 

I live in Punggol and yes there are many birds chirping around our neighbourhood everyday but never in my wildest dream have I thought that one of them would build its home in our garden. 

Who is the owner of the nest? I decided to do a little bit of spying act. Soon enough, my patient was rewarded. There was a couple of birds flying in to and out of the nest. Well, actually one of them did that, and I presumed it was the female, mama bird. The male, papa bird, was flying around a palm tree nearby our home. Apparently both of them were busy building the nest for their youngs! Interesting.

Look at the nest, it is small but pretty neat! It is made of dried leaves and some branches. I have got to google to find out more about the owner. 

I will try to update the development here in this blog. Stay tune. 


Ada burung membuat sarang di tanaman bambu di kebun mini kita!  

 Waktu itu saya sedang menyiram tanaman, tugas rutin tiap hari. Tak sengaja, saya melihat ada tumpukan daun yang tidak biasanya di tanaman bambu kami. Ketika saya dekati...lho saya baru menyadari, ah inikan sarang burung! Benar saja, ketika saya mengintip dari jauh, ada seekor burung datang dan pergi ke sarang buatannya! Ternyata, pasangannya ada di pohon palem dekat rumah! Wah, kelihatannya mereka bekerjasama membuat rumah untuk anak-anak mereka! Lucu ya? Ini sarang hanya di koridor rumah saja lho. Tidak terlalu tersembunyi. Wah...

Lihatlah...sarangnya keren banget kan? Rapi dan cantik! Arsiteknya dan pembangunnya keren! Haha

Foto-foto hasil bidikan bang Rida.

I was doing my daily ritual, watering the plants in our mini garden when I discovered something wonderful. I was intrigued by an unusual bunch of branches and leaves on our bamboo plant so I peered closer. That was when I discovered that a bird had constructed its nest there!  

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